New Spicy Dill Pickle Goldfish Crackers Are Now in Canada

Spicy Dill Pickle Goldfish

Run, don’t walk, to your local grocery store because delicious new Spicy Dill Pickle Goldfish crackers are now in Canada.

Goldfish crackers aren’t just for kids anymore. These fun fish shaped crackers from Pepperidge Farm come in a wide variety of flavours including original, Cheddar, Frank’s RedHot, and now Spicy Dill Pickle.

As spotted in a Toronto area Walmart store on the week of February 23rd, the new Spicy Dill Pickle Goldfish flavour had a large display with signage advertising “Can you dill with it?”. A play on words of “Can you deal with it?” asking potential buyers if they can handle the heat.

On the display and each individual package there’s a hot pepper spiciness scale indicating that the Spicy Dill Pickle Goldfish crackers have a heat rating of about 7 out of 10.

Since spiciness is subjective, I can only share that I found them to have a nice kick to them, but they were not overpowering. I definitely needed to take a few sips of water while enjoying the delicious new flavour.

If you have a very low tolerance for spicy foods, I think it’s still worth a try but you might want a new Cream Soda Pepsi or Orange Cream Coke on hand to help cool off your taste buds.

The new Spicy Dill Pickle Goldfish crackers are a limited edition flavour, meaning this isn’t currently planned to be permanently available. With that said, it’s very new so you may have difficulty finding it right now.

Currently, I have only found it at one Walmart store but it should become more available over the coming weeks. Don’t be discouraged if you can’t find it right away.

Let us know what you think of the new flavour in the comments below!


A child of the 80s and lifelong McDonald's fan. I love to try new foods from Canada and abroad.

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